Saturday, October 27, 2007

Let It Passing By

Yesterday, I went to mall and wandering. At first, I went with my hubby, and our two children. We spent about two hours there, then, hubby wanted to go home soon. While I still didn’t want to go back. It’s been long time for me to be in that mall. Probably around two years. So, I just let hubby and the children went home then I started rounding.

As a dependent wife (disgusted…still I think) I ask some money for buying my daughter’s undies. But as soon as they went home, I didn’t go to the undies stall but when to girl’s wardrobe. After months or even years for not spending money for buying cloth in mall ( I usually buy cloth in traditional market; cheap price but sometime terrible quality) I picked some t-shirts (up to date’s ones). They’re not in the main stall, but in the sale basket. Anyway, I enjoy because of the quality. It’s a spending- a lot of time- activity. Eventually, I went to cashier and paid for the t-shirts.

Next, I went to the undies stall, still with sale basket. There, I chose some undies for my daughter. Still there was no problem till that part. But when I got home, I realize that I missed something. It was a natural color t-shirt with delicate fabric. Actually, I have heard sound to have that item, but I refused to hear because it’s a bit lose one, but when on my way went home, I saw a girl with that kind of top and seemed terrific.

It’s not once I did something like that. Probably more than five times I have the experience of cancelled buying good item in mall. That’s the lesson for me. I have to forget that top…just let it passing by.

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