Wednesday, October 31, 2007

still feel wonderful today

Tuan Pong adalah bapak dari seorang anak laki-laki berusia lima tahun,Toha. Toha adalah kehidupannya karena mereke hanya hidup berdua saja. Penghasilan Tuan Pong dari pekerjaannya sebagai sopir sebagian besar ditabung khusus untuk Toha. Sisanya hanya dipakai untuk makan dan sekali lagi asuransi untuk Toha.

Namun, saat Toha berumur tujuh tahun, dia terjatuh dari pohon mangga (hobi utama Toha: memanjat pohon mangganya tetangga).
Tuan Pong yang begitu mencintai Toha, merasakan kesakitan yang amat sangat dihatinya. Karena hatinya memang hanya untuk Toha. Sekarang, "dewa" pujaannya cacat seumur hidup. Jalannya tidak bisa normal, karena kaki kanannya patah menjadi tiga bagian. Walaupun bisa sembuh tapi tidak seperti sedia kala

Kini Toha berusia delapan belas tahun. Dan pada usianya sekarang, ada Wajib Militer di negaranya. Suluruh pria berusia tujuh belas tahun ke atas diharuskan untuk mengikuti Wamil. Toha pun berbaris untuk berparatisipasi (walaupun setengah memaksa dan dipaksa). Pada saat gilirannya untuk diuji, ternyata Toha gagal, karena fisiknya telah cacat.

Tuan Pong yang sedang menantikan Toha dibawah pohon mangga dipinggir lapangan pun meloncat kegirangan karena anaknya tidak lulus wamil. Dalam hatinya Tuan Pong bersukur atas kecelakaan anaknya yang jatuh dari pohon mangga. Karena dengan kecelakaan itu, Tuan Pong tidak harus berpisah dengan anaknya.

second day of my time management

It's the second day for me of having time management according to Mr. Covey.
Have made weekly arrangement.
For today, there are some things that I should do, but it's still hard to complete.

There are several obstacles on my schedule today:

1. try to find missing things
2. spend quite significant time for chatting unimportant things
3. fixing my fault in the past
4. too long to complete one task

I think they are the four of many of today's obstacle
I have to do my best tomorrow

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Heart's Beating

Sue with her kids Andrea and Andrew went to the market today. Not for buying some food or consumer goods for themselves but for buying some pieces of cloths for reselling.

The temperamental Andrea was grumbling while Andrew sounded so happy to be there while Sue asked them to come with her.

“I am very tired, after kulintang practicing, I want to go home and sleep.”

“Wow, it’s wonderful. It’s been a long time for not being there. Let’s go mom.”

That’s the different expressions of the two children. Sue with her patience just replied as soft as possible to her daughter, “I won’t be long Andrea. Meanwhile, you can learn the process of making money.”

She wasn’t trigged to get angry to her, still had controllable emotion.

Sue enjoys this shopping activity very much. Because she can fulfill her desire for shopping but getting earned in other time while her friends buy the things from her.

But that day was the first time for Sue. So her heart’s beating while she tried to offer her things to Betty her friend. Betty had already signed her that she needed some clothes for to be worn or sold. But when Sue showed her things to Betty, she could feel the eyes. The eyes were different then before. They showed doubt or even fear of having responsibility for selling the clothes.

“Well, just take it easy Betty, if you don’t like to do this you don’t have to do, I won’t force you ok.”

“Hey, I didn’t say that.”

“Well, great then. Good luck, hope that you will be success.”

“Thanks then, pray for me.”

That day, Sue’s heart beating can be two meanings. It can be Sue’s afraid, or happy for starting her new little business.

Get the spirit Sue

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Let It Passing By

Yesterday, I went to mall and wandering. At first, I went with my hubby, and our two children. We spent about two hours there, then, hubby wanted to go home soon. While I still didn’t want to go back. It’s been long time for me to be in that mall. Probably around two years. So, I just let hubby and the children went home then I started rounding.

As a dependent wife (disgusted…still I think) I ask some money for buying my daughter’s undies. But as soon as they went home, I didn’t go to the undies stall but when to girl’s wardrobe. After months or even years for not spending money for buying cloth in mall ( I usually buy cloth in traditional market; cheap price but sometime terrible quality) I picked some t-shirts (up to date’s ones). They’re not in the main stall, but in the sale basket. Anyway, I enjoy because of the quality. It’s a spending- a lot of time- activity. Eventually, I went to cashier and paid for the t-shirts.

Next, I went to the undies stall, still with sale basket. There, I chose some undies for my daughter. Still there was no problem till that part. But when I got home, I realize that I missed something. It was a natural color t-shirt with delicate fabric. Actually, I have heard sound to have that item, but I refused to hear because it’s a bit lose one, but when on my way went home, I saw a girl with that kind of top and seemed terrific.

It’s not once I did something like that. Probably more than five times I have the experience of cancelled buying good item in mall. That’s the lesson for me. I have to forget that top…just let it passing by.

Wrong Choice

“Baby, you know that I love you so much and I would do anything for you. I will support you everything you do, you don’t have to worry about anything because I will always be with you.” That’s the paraphrase of Wins to his lover, Linda. Then both of them were sinking in the romantic sea for about one year.

After four months of marriage (Wisnu and Linda got married when Linda’s had been pregnant for seven months).

“Hey, what are you doing here, why don’t you go working, we are almost run of rice, even money for food, why are you just sleeping here.” Linda shouts to his husband in the midst of their baby, Johnson, crying.

“Please, don’t just stay at home, go to work, especially in this situation I still can’t start of working because of this three weeks infant.” Linda says that with her wet eyes.

“Oh please, I want to stay at home with my new born baby and you; I want to enjoy my days.”

“But you have to work, or we’re going to get starved.”

“Just, take it easy baby, everything’s fine.”

“Oh, it would be better for me to be a single parent than to live with this kind of man.” Linda just said those words in her mind

Before marriage, Linda was a gorgeous girl, always fashionable and fresh. But look at her now, dull skin and look so tired. But now, because of wrong choice, she lives in a distressful marriage.

In The Beginning

In the beginning,

I think, be positive for everything. Because sometime, or even often (still being positive) whatever thing you have well planned, think so deeply and even are highly hoped, doesn't satisfy you. But the lesson from that experience is keep learning and learning. No matter you are "virgin" to that thing or field or even long as you like to learn till die, you will have something.

Life is a journey, let's see it as a colorful journey decorated with rainbow fulfilled with daily experience straight from the time you realize that your life is meaningful till the time you stop producing something.

So, let's be thankful for everything we have ....